Table of contents:

General information:

What does Dollarro.com service do?

Dollarro.com is an online currency exchange bureau. We incorporate many innovations, e.g. artificial intelligence. Besides immediate transactions of currency exchange we offer planned transactions and credit payment schedules.

Who can use Dollarro.com?

Dollarro.com service can be used by adult natural persons and companies.

How to set up an account at Dollarro.com?

To set up an account at Dollarro.com, you need to be signed up for the website. For that purpose, provide your email address to be used by user to the needs of service and set up an additional security password. In response, an activation-link is being sent to the email address. Once the link is clicked, the account is activated and you can start using Dollarro.com.

What do I do to exchange currency at Dollarro.com?

To perform a transaction at Dollarro.com, you need to be a registered user, fill in necessary personal data in the registration form and define a bank account, from which the resources are supposed to be transferred to the service. Right after the resources are injected into Dollarro.com, you can perform immediate transactions of currency exchange or plan them. Subsequently, the exchanged resources can be withdrawn to any previously defined bank account.

Do I need to be signed up to use Dollarro.com?

Yes, you do. Only registered users can use Dollarro.com service.

What currencies can be exchanged here?

We offer 16 foreign currencies and 97 currency pairs. The list of available currencies and currency pairs is accessible here: link

Does it cost anything to use Dollarro.com?

No, it doesn’t. The service is free of charge.

Is my money safe with Dollarro.com service?

Yes, it is. Your resources deposited in Dollarro.com are completely safe. Your money is separated from our operational budget, which means it is not used for any other purpose than exchanging currency. In case of a closure of our business, your money is secure.

Is my data processed by Dollarro.com protected?

Yes, it is. We act in accordance with the European directive on personal data protection. We meet the highest safety standards. The server and access to database are secured by implementation of physical and logical security measures by means of protective devices. Due to applied SSL and https certificates, the transmitted data is completely encrypted.

Do I need to be a resident of Poland to use Dollarro.com?

No, you don’t. A resident of any country can use services offered by Dollarro.com. All it takes is ticking ‘Non-Resident of Poland’ option available in the registration form.

Do I need to be an adult to use Dollarro.com?

Yes, you do. The service may be used by adults only.

Can I make my login details for Dollarro.com service available to a third party (i.e. relatives, friends)?

No, you can’t. To secure your personal data and resources deposited in Dollarro.com service, you should not make them available to a third party. The logging details are confidential and allows using the service and performing transactions.

Do I need to agree to have my personal data processed for the purpose of joining Dollarro.com website?

Yes, you do. For the purpose of joining Dollarro.com and fully benefit from offered services, you need to express your consent to have personal data processed

Why do I need the additional password?

The additional password is required to have access to user’s profile and to have your data modified, as well as to define bank accounts.

Do I need to agree to receive the e-newsletter?

No, you don’t. The consent is voluntary.

Can I use Dollarro.com with a smartphone-type device?

Yes, you can. Our system is fully responsive, which means it can be used with any devices, including smartphones and tablet computers.

What banks are served by Dollarro.com?

Our website serves every bank in the world.

What banks do you cooperate with?

BNP Paribas

Where can I check the latest currency rates?

The latest currency rates are available on the information page of Dollarro.com.

Where can I find the terms and conditions for using the service?

General Terms and Conditions for website use are available at the bottom of Dollarro.com information page and, if logged in, in the top menu (‘Review’ tab -> ‘Terms and Conditions’)

Am I charged for short text messages received from Dollarro.com?

No, you are not. The short text messages received form Dollarro.com are free of charge.

What period of time is a short text message code valid for use?

A short text message code is valid for 5min.

What technical requirements do I have to meet to use the service?

In order to use Dollarro.com service, the following is required:

  • personal computer or mobile device with internet connection,
  • operating system: Windows, Linux, iOS, Android, MacOS,
  • internet browser for desktop-type devices that operates encrypted SSL connections, JavaScript applications of the most recent version and cookie files: Chrome (v.5 and its newer versions), Firefox (v.4 and its newer versions), Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer (v.9 and its newer versions), Safari (v.5 and its newer versions), Opera (v.16 and its newer versions),
  • the newest version of internet browser for mobile devices: Firefox, Chrome, Opera Mobile, Internet Explorer,
  • program that enables opening PDF files, in order to read documents sent or shared by administrator,
  • device that enables usage of telecommunication network and is equipped with an activated SIM card, in order to perform transactions validated with a single-use short text message code sent by administrator.

What is GDPR?

GDPR is a general regulation on personal data protection. Within the EU, it unifies legal provisions on collecting and processing data of natural persons.

What is a currency spread?

Currency spread is the difference between the price at which a currency is bought and sold.

How often are the currency rates updated in Dollarro.com?

The currency rates are updated every 15 seconds.

Registration and Logging:

What data do I have to provide when signing up?

In case of a private individual, the following data is required:

  • name
  • surname
  • permanent address
  • mailing address (if it is different from the permanent one)
  • cell phone number
  • social security number
  • serial number of national identity card or passport

In case of a company, the following data is required:

  • company name
  • legal form of business
  • company address
  • mailing address (if it is different from the registered one)
  • phone number
  • tax identification number
  • company statistical number
  • forename and surname of the legal representative

Is signing up for Dollarro.com free of charge?

Yes, it is. Both signing up and using are free.

How can I modify my personal data provided when signing up?

In order to modify your personal data, log in to the website, go to ‘Profile’ panel located in ‘My Data’ tab in the top menu. Here, the additional password is required to be typed in.

Can I log in to the service any time and any day of week?

Yes, you can. The service is available 24/7. You can log in to Dollarro.com any time.

What does the ideal password look like?

To secure access to Dollarro.com account, it is necessary you set a password that consist of at least 6 characters, at least one alphabetic character, at least one numeric character, at least one of special characters: ! @ #$%^&*()_+-={}[]:”;’<>?,./.

How long does it take to sign up?

Signing up for Dollarro.com takes just a few minutes. For this purpose, provide your email address to be used to the needs of service and set up an additional security password. In response, an activation-link is being sent to the email address. By clicking the activation-link you are redirected back to dollarro.com logging page. Then type in your login in form of your email address and admission password previously set up. Next, fill in the registration form with your personal data. Once it is completed, you are already registered in Dollarro.com service.

Bank accounts:

How can I add a bank account?

In order to add a bank account to the service, you need to be logged in. Then click ‘My Data’ button in the top menu and select option ‘Adding a Bank Account’. Here, it is required to type in the additional security password. Once the password is accepted, type in the bank account number and its details and confirm that.

Can I have an account in any bank in Poland or in the world and still be able to use Dollarro.com service?

Yes, you can. You can use our services having your account set up in any bank in Poland or in the world.

Can I have an foreign bank account to use Dollarro.com service?

Yes, you can. You can use our services with an offshore account.

What is IBAN?

IBAN is an international standard for bank accounts identification. It contains a two-letter country code (e.g. in case of Poland, the code is ‘PL’), two check digits and 30 alphanumeric characters.

Making deposits and withdrawals:

How can I make a deposit to Dollarro.com account?

Once you acquired the status of registered user, you can transfer resources to the system. Then you need your online source bank account to make deposit. In order to get the account number and banking details, click ‘Deposit’ button in the main panel of website or click ‘Disposition’ button in the top menu and choose option ‘Deposit’. More: link

Can I make a deposit in Dollarro.com using a foreign bank account?

Yes, you can. Resources to Dollarro.com service can be transferred from any bank account that belongs to user. However, the bank account must be previously defined in the system.

Dollarro.com system?

Withdrawals can be made to bank accounts previously defined in the system by user. In order to withdraw your money choose ‘Withdrawal’ option in the main panel and choose or click ‘Disposition’ button in the top menu and choose option ‘Withdrawal’. More: link

Can I make a withdrawal from Dollarro.com service to any bank account?

Withdrawals can be made only to bank accounts previously defined in the system by user. These bank accounts can be set up in any bank in the world.

Can I make a withdrawal from Dollarro.com service to a bank account belonging to a third party (e.g. relatives, friends)?

Yes, you can. However the bank account for resources withdrawal must be previously defined in the system.

Can I make a withdrawal from Dollarro.com service to a bank account belonging to a third party (e.g. relatives, friends)?

Yes, you can. However the bank account for resources withdrawal must be previously defined in the system.

Can I make a withdrawal from Dollarro.com service any time?

Yes, you can. User can declare a transfer for resources withdrawal 24/7.

Can I make a withdrawal from Dollarro.com service to a foreign bank account?

Yes, you can. Withdrawals can be made to any bank account previously defined in the system.

Can I make a withdrawal of all my resources deposited in Dollarro.com service?

Yes, you can withdraw you resources with no limit.

Can I withdraw resources deposited in Dollarro.com service?

Yes, you can withdraw your deposited resources by declaring the transfer. In case there is no bank accounts for resources withdrawal previously defined in the system by user, the resources are transferred to the source bank account.

Am I charged with any commission or extra fees for exchanging currency?

No, you are not. Users are not charged with any commissions or extra fees for exchanging currency.

Foreign exchange transactions:

What are planned transactions?

User can plan a currency exchange transaction. For this purpose, select ‘Buy’ or ‘Sell’ option and sort of disposition, i.e. set the time of transaction and the requested exchange rate, or set the time for transaction to be performed at Dollarro.com rate. More: link

How to perform an immediate transaction of currency exchange?

In order to perform an immediate transaction of buying or selling, you need to have status of registered user, have the universal bank account defined and transfer resources required for currency exchange. You can declare the transaction by clicking ‘Dispositions’ button in the top menu and then choosing ‘Buy’ or ‘Sell’ option. More: link

Can I perform a buying or selling transaction if I do not have any resources deposited in my account in Dollarro.com service?

No, you cannot. User must have required resources deposited to perform a buying or selling transaction.

What is the maximum amount of money that can be exchanged in Dollarro.com?

In Dollarro.com you can exchange any amount of money. There is no limit imposed in this respect.

Is there any limitation on the number of transactions to be performed in Dollarro.com service?

No, there is not. User can perform any number of transactions.

Can I cancel a transaction already performed in Dollarro.com? Am I going to be charged with any extra fees for the cancellation?

In case of immediate transactions, user cannot cancel the already made disposition. User can cancel a credit payment schedule or a planned transaction, if it hasn’t already been executed.

Does every single transaction have to be validated with a short text message code?

No, it does not. If an account is previously defined as trusted in the system, there is no need to have a transaction validated with a short text message code. However, user has to validate every single withdrawal disposition or credit payment schedule definition.

Can I review all the transactions I have already preformed?

Yes, you can. In the main panel, there is a listing of all transactions that user has ever performed or you can access it from the top menu by clicking ‘Review’ button. More: link

Profile confirmation:

For what purpose do I have to confirm my profile in Dollarro.com?

You must confirm your profile in Dollarro.com if you are going to exchange currency of the value over 15.000 EUR or its equivalent.

What is Dollarro.com profile confirmation about?

In order to confirm your profile in Dollarro.com, it is necessary to submit a file containing double-sided scan of your national identity card or passport as well as a 5 seconds recording of user’s full face.